“I really, really want to thank you for helping me get my act together about quantifying what I do. I can learn so much from you, Shauna.”
– Fortune 10 lawyer shifting from SME to executive-track
Read More“I really, really want to thank you for helping me get my act together about quantifying what I do. I can learn so much from you, Shauna.”
– Fortune 10 lawyer shifting from SME to executive-track
Read More“When Jared began flipping my résumé late last year, suggested I be patient and that something would come to me.
He was absolutely right and I began this week with [Company Name] in an executive level attorney role. I was recruited to join their team and when they asked for my résumé, they were blown away.
I’ll never forget how sure Jared was about my future. It was the vote of confidence I never knew I needed. Thank you so much as well for the impressive résumé.
Jared is truly a gift and I appreciate him!”
– AGC for a North Americans financial services company
Read More“Julie, this résumé is wonderful. I never would have come up with this content on my own. My last iteration was a totally different world. Now it is more a professional résumé than a student résumé. I really like where we are going with this.”
– Midlevel attorney updating résumé from student form
Read More“Thank you so much for your help on my résumé, Julie. This is exactly why I contacted you. I think this is going to make a big difference.”
– Mid-level associate transitioning from non-profit work to firm practice
Read More“Julie, Thank you for your help today. The session really helped!”
– Contract attorney seeking permanent position
Read More“Shauna, you worked miracles for me. You are in high demand--and rightfully so! You are THE expert. Your questions were so helpful. They helped me realize that I've made significant achievements throughout my career… [Company] found me via an internal recruiter using LinkedIn. They said I was a perfect match.”
– GC of US subsidiary of Fortune 25 multinational
Read More“I'm very happy with the LinkedIn profile optimization. I think it looks so much better. Thank you for everything, Shauna. I really appreciate your help and support over the years.”
– Resume Writing by Screen Share
Read More“You're the best Shauna! I really appreciate it. I really like where the résumé is.”
– DOJ prosecutor
Read More“Thanks again for help with my LinkedIn and résumé Shauna! When a contact suggested a recruiter talk to me about a GC opportunity at a small company, it was awesome to have the framework for a credible GC résumé in place!”
– Sole product counsel at NYSE-listed tech brand
Read More“You are so good at what you do, Shauna, and this is just been so helpful. Just going through this process... I really didn't know how much I was doing in my roles. But as I go through, I've started to realize that I have accomplished a lot. I had a very pathetic résumé. This is a much better presentation of what I can do. This has been so good. A friend recommended you to me, and I have started to recommend you to friends as well.”
– Financial services GC-track lawyer
Read More“Julie, I applied to three jobs and was called for interviews by two.”
– Law firm partner transitioning in-house
Read More“Thank you for challenging me Julie, for really forcing me to articulate what I want, and what I do. It's forced me to be more intentional and deliberate about my career. It has sometimes been painful, but also cathartic. And unsolicited opportunities have started to come my way. I've been asked to apply to be my law school's dean, as well as for several board positions. These opportunities have forced me to further think about what I ultimately want.”
– GC-track in-house counsel at Fortune 300 equivalent company
Read More“This a lot of work, Jared, but I was telling my wife, after 27 years, it's about time I spend the time and effort on this.”
– Amlaw 20 law firm partner
Read More“Jared, just wanted to let you know that my résumé worked! I got an offer from [Law Firm Name] this week, and I'll join their Corporate & Securities group with a short track to partnership. At least 2 of 10 partners I met with commented on my impressive résumé. Thanks for helping me find a way to tell my story. I think this is going to be a great position to add to my résumé and I am really excited. Thanks so much for all of your help!”
– VP and GC turned law firm attorney
Read More“Jared, your questions remind me of the Hogan's Assessment!”
– VP and GC turned law firm attorney
Read More“Your questions underscore why I need you, Jared. It's like therapy in a way. You're bringing out things I've forgotten, haven't considered as important, or maybe haven't even wanted to acknowledge. I certainly had no idea how to talk about these things, much less put them on paper as a leadership story. This is fun.”
– General counsel and SVP for a global healthcare subsidiary, and advisor to its NYSE-traded parent company
Read More“Shauna, I wanted to send you a separate email to say thank you. I accepted a new position and will start at the beginning of the year. You were right about positions not being published. This worked out through referral and word of mouth. I'm very excited for this next chapter and want to thank you for your assistance along the way.”
Read More“The work we just did is astounding, Jared! We were on fire! I can't tell you how excited I am [to realize that] I've actually done a ton in this most recent role. I also hadn't realized how much value I bring to the C-suite and the company as a whole, and I would have *never* thought about creating a through-line across my entire career.”
– Director of litigation for a nationwide retailer
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