Expert Q&A column especially for law school students, recent law school graduates, and junior attorneys.
In 2012, Shauna C. Bryce became Bloomberg Law’s first and only contributing columnist for their subscription-based student Career Resources. Her Ask the Hiring Attorney® column quickly became a key part of Bloomberg Law’s outreach to approximately 200 American Bar Association (ABA) accredited law schools, as well as those their career centers, law libraries, and nearly 140,000 law students and recent graduates. Starting in April 2016, the column has been updated and reprinted the ABA for Law Students’ blog, Beyond the Bar.
In the column, Shauna answers questions from entry-level lawyers on résumé writing, interviewing, career development, job search, business etiquette, reference checks, quitting a job, job termination, networking, business development, job performance, reputation management, social media, background checks, working with legal recruiters, telecommuting, informational interviews, technical skills development, employment gaps, and more.
“Have you read Bloomberg Law’s Blog called Ask the Hiring Attorney? If not, you should!”
Ask the Hiring Attorney® earned shout-outs from a variety law schools such as Brooklyn Law School, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Nova Southeastern University’s Shepard Broad College of Law, the Ohio State University’s Moritz College of Law, Roger Williams University School of Law. Shauna’s column has also been cited by bar associations such as the Florida Bar’s Henry Latimer Center for Professionalism.
Now available as an e-Book:
Ask the Hiring Attorney® Columns
Since registration may be required to view the original column at Bloomberg Law, we’ll link to the ABA versions as they become available.
“‘Ask the Hiring Attorney’ series of ‘Qs & As’ are a must read before an interview with a law firm.”
Columns Coming Soon to the ABA
Why do I need a new email address for my job search?
Why can’t I leave my voice mail turned off?
How do I hire a legal recruiter?
Is my career over because I didn’t get a paying legal job for the summer?
What do I do if I don’t know the answer to the interviewer’s question?
How do I ask for letters of recommendation for admission to my state bar?
Can I ask professors to connect on LinkedIn
How do I network when I don’t know where I will be living?
If I’m trying to network into a job, should I still formally apply?
Should I include my time at a two-year college on my résumé?
Should I talk about my bad grade in my interview?
How can I avoid stumbling on my words during an interview?
How can I connect with people who have viewed my LinkedIn profile?
How do I ask about work life balance?
How can I build connections with alumni in a new city?
How can I focus my job interview on my earlier, non-legal work experience?
How do I answer interview questions about my weaknesses?
What’s the difference between preparing for telephone and in-person interviews?
What do I do if I’m in the bottom half of my class?
Can I ask a law firm partner I just met to serve as a reference?
What should I do if no one on the west coast recognizes my east coast college?