Resume Services for Junior Lawyers, New Attorneys & Law Students — Bryce Legal - Best-in-Class Career Services for Lawyers
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Early Careers:

Junior Attorneys, New Attorneys & Law Students


Need help standing out in a crowded job market?

There’s been a vast improvement in my job search prospects since I talked to you. It was incredible how quick it all happened. ​Not only am I finally getting responses to my résumé, but I also just wake up feeling better, with more get-up-and-go. Things are starting to move!
— Junior litigator

Shauna C. Bryce as a legal careers panelist for “Carpe JDiem: Leveraging Legal Skills in Alternative Careers” at University of Pennsylvania School of Law. Moderated by Vivia Chen, senior columnist at The American Lawyer and the creator of The Careerist blog, with Djung Tran of Tran Law Associations; Scott Lee of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission; and David Zhou of the SDNY U.S. Attorney's Office.

If you’re a junior lawyer, a new attorney, a traditional law school student (straight from college to law school), or a non-traditional law student (second-career, multiple degrees, more than two years of non-attorney work history, etc.), then right now you’re facing questions and decision-making on:

  • Finding your place in the legal field, including the types of job environments that suit you and your goals best

  • Deciding how to use your law degree, both for a job now and to set up you for the career and life you want

  • Converting the $$$$$ you invested in your law degree into a legal or law-related job that’s full-time, permanent, paying (preferably, market rate!), and setting you up for continued success as you advance in your career

  • Showcasing your individuality and your value—in your résumé and LinkedIn profile, as well as in job interviews

  • Navigating the legal job market in a highly competitive economic environment

  • Finding and seizing opportunities—not just for a job now, but also to build your legal career

  • Understanding, meeting, and even exceeding hiring attorneys’ expectations throughout the hiring process 

  • And a whole lot more.

How we can help you


Your Career Experts for Early Careers
