Shauna C. Bryce speaking on a Capital Partners for Education (CPE) Legal Advocacy panel moderated by Deborah Tang of Major, Lindsey & Africa and hosted by George Washington University Law School in Washington, DC.
The answers to the questions above will directly influence the answers to the questions below:
Is law school right for you? Or is there another way to reach your long-term goals?
Which law school should you attend? The highest-ranked, the closest, or the one that provides the best financial aid package?
How will you finance your education and living expenses, which may be an additional $150,000 to $200,000 over your college expenses?
How can you get assistance preparing your law school applications, including student résumé and personal statement?
What college majors and activities should you consider to increase your odds of getting accepted to law school, increase your law school performance, and open specialized opportunities (like patent law) after law school graduation?
If you’re thinking about earning your law degree—or you’ve already decided to attend law school and need help putting together your law school applications, then let us know. We have counseled aspiring law students on the big decision to go to law school, as well as applying for law school.
Shauna’s article, originally in the National Career Development Association’s (NCDA) web magazine, Career Convergence, “Best College Majors and Activities for Aspiring Law School Students.”
Shauna’s interview in U.S. News & World Report, “Assess Career Goals Before Becoming a Law School Student: Applicants who know what they’d like to do can make a more informed decision about where to enroll.”
Shauna’s interview with CNN Money / Fortune Magazine’s Ask Annie, “Job-hunting law school grads will face a ‘perfect storm.’”
Ian E. Scott, Esq.’s “Law School Lowdown: Secrets of Success from the Application Process to Landing the First Job” examines every step of becoming a lawyer, teaching you how to evaluate the choices you face so you can make smart decisions about your future, and increase the odds that—even in this competitive economy—you will become full-time, paid attorney in the practice areas of your choice. This is a resource that can save you a lot of hard, expensive lessons.
Bryce Legal is the founding sponsor of Best Industry Rankings, the one-stop resource for researching the best law schools