Build Your Legal Career and Find Your Legal Dream Job — Bryce Legal - Best-in-Class Career Services for Lawyers
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Our Mission



We bring together the perfect ingredients to build your legal career.

I probably talked to 20 résumé writers and your model is the most collaborative. It also requires to *you* to be on—and to produce and produce and produce—every minute of our call. I don’t think most people can do that, and I don’t think many people put their money where their mouth is like you do.​
— Former GC of global brand management company

We make career development, planning, and transition easier for lawyers. Whether you are moving up, employed, downsizing / retiring, graduating, wanting to flourish in place, or just looking for a change, we help you make career decisions, understand (and get rewarded for) your value, and position yourself to find a better fit in less time. We are committed to the highest quality career advising, writing, and client experience. All services and consultations are provided remotely, allowing us to work easily with clients around the country and the world.

Your openness and transparency is a fabulous selling point.
— Executive-track AGC at global 100 company and world-recognized brand

Not sure how to choose the best lawyer career coach or professional legal résumé writer for you?

Over the years, we’ve been privileged to build a top-ranked lawyer career consulting and legal résumé writing practice characterized by:

This has been wonderful. My wife, who’s a lawyer, has been asking about this process. I think she’s going to be your next client!
— General counsel of national company
You just gave me such valuable framing for these issues. Talking to you has been just so valuable. My friend had spoken so highly of you, and she was absolutely right. :)
— Senior in-house counsel at tech company positioning for GC roles
  • Unmatched client testimonials: Our sheer number of client testimonials is unmatched—as are their quality. Take a look at our client reviews and feedback, including a searchable database so you can find the testimonials most relevant to you.

  • Enduring client relationships: We are often asked to continue working with clients long after the initial services, and have developed some client partnerships that have lasted over a decade, as clients have made career changes, advanced, been elected to partnership, shifted from individual contributors to rainmakers and executives, landed their first GCs roles or public company GC roles, joined corporate and nonprofit boards, retired, or explored shifting from law practice. Our clients have referred their spouses and family, friends, colleagues, and other lawyers to us.

  • A large referral and returning client base: We’ve recommended by leading lawyers, hiring attorneys, legal search consultants / executive recruiters, other lawyer career coaches and résumé writers, and clients (from CLOs and managing partners to law students) since 2006. We also partner with law firms and corporate legal departments for lawyer development, outplacement, transitional, and alumni services. In addition to reviewing our client testimonials, we invite you to take a look at some feedback from legal and careers industry leaders.

  • Top rankings in Google: We don’t pay for ads and we don’t do link exchanges. We’re highly ranked because we’ve been around a long time and because leading publications, organizations, legal recruiters, and others find value in our services and blog content.

Below is more on how we earned those distinctions since 2006.

Recognition that Every Lawyer is Different

I did everything you told me to do, said everything you told me to say. It was almost like you gave a word-for-word script. And [former federal agency Commissioner] responded exactly the way you predicted. I wish could have recorded it for you!​ I’m so pleased at how the conversation went and laid the groundwork for my job search.
— Law firm partner exploring GC roles

A career plan and résumé that’s perfect for a veteran products liability litigator in a large New York or Los Angeles firm will not work well for a recent graduate with an LLM in Tax pursuing a career in trusts and estates in a small firm outside Denver, or for an oil and gas attorney in Houston, or for a senior corporate generalist in-house at a defense contractor near Washington, DC.

Your individual career coaching, résumé, LinkedIn profile, cover letters, and auxiliary documents should be targeted to your career goals

To do this, we give great thought to both your personal objectives and to the peculiarities and demands of the modern legal hiring market. We leverage our hiring and career development knowledge to have one-on-one discussions with you. It’s a collaborative process that builds a platform for you to grow in your career, whatever you decide to do.

Focus on What Matters to You

I consider every last penny I’ve spent with you to be an investment. This is the first time in my career that I’ve been so proactive in my decision-making. It’s been an absolute pleasure working with you, and I’ve been sharing your information with a lot of legal recruiters in my area.
— General counsel of PE-held industry leader

Our coaching and writing clients learn not just how to recognize and seize opportunities, but also how to create them. We work with attorneys to develop action plans enabling them to take charge of their situations, whether they’re looking to:

  • Excel as legal team leaders or members

  • Prepare to make career, practice area, and geographical changes

  • Get ready for interviews

  • Address weak spots (or perceived weak spots) in their skills, experience, executive presence, and résumé

  • Build and use networks for short-term goals (like immediate job placement) and long-term goals (like an eventual client-base, establishing oneself as a thought leader, and corporate board or other career opportunities)

  • Or a whole lot more

Are you legal recruiters? Can you place me in a job?

I’m amazed how many recruiters have called from various AmLaw 50 law firms.
— Law firm partner in business development coaching

Bryce Legal is a career portfolio writing, career coaching, and career development firm. We coach lawyers throughout the job search process, from getting the job search started and preparing for job interviews to evaluating offers and negotiating salary. However, we not a legal recruiting firm or a legal search firm. We are not headhunters and we do not handle any lawyer placement, whether lateral attorney placement, in-house attorney placement, or temporary attorney (contract attorney) placement.

Over the years, we have developed relationships with legal recruiters and executive recruiters (both retained and contingency), and they have referred top candidates to Bryce Legal so that we can create a suite of career documents that empowers recruiters to advocate for those lawyers. Recruiters have also contacted us to let us know of their openings so we can refer clients to them.