How Much Time Do I Need?

It’s hard to predict exactly how much time any individual will want with their expert. We take our time together seriously; you should expect us to ask you a million questions (bonus: good interview prep for you!). There are also so many other reasons the amount of time to expect varies:

Your questions have been invaluable and all of your comments about my original résumé are spot-on. I think you caught me a little flat-footed in our first conversation, which is fine :) So I got my feet knocked out from under me. Frankly, I’m embarrassed about the old résumé and I realize how little prepared I was to be interviewed on it. But I would rather flounder with you than do it in a job interview. I’m much more confident now.
— General Counsel
I am grateful for undergoing this process, and very much appreciate the results from having done so. Your services are the best investment I could have made in myself at this time.
— Securities litigation case manager
  • Your individual career goals and how your experience matches up with those goals, including addressing potential soft spots in your candidacy

  • Your unique value propositions, i.e., clarity on why employers should hire you for the roles you want

  • The number, complexity, and relevancy of roles you’ve held

  • The complexity and variability of your practice, as well as contributions to and impact at employers

  • The number and relevancy of professional or community leadership roles you’ve held, including nonprofit board membership and board committees

  • The number and relevancy of your speaking engagement, publications, honors, and awards

  • The relevancy of pre-law school careers and education

  • Your individual memory and/ or documentation available to refresh your memory, like previous versions of your résumés, press releases, and corporate disclosures

  • And more.

However, based on clients’ experience, here are some minimum recommendations to create a final draft of a résumé, assuming a 60-Min session length. As always, you decide whether to complete your documents on your own or sign up for additional sessions. Remember, our first work session often focuses on refining your goals and overall branding strategy before moving into the body of the résumé. (Again, while most attorneys use the screen share writing process for résumés, you’re welcome to use it for cover letters, letters of recommendation, or other documents.)


You should expect at least 4-7 sessions; however, there is tremendous variability within this client type.


You should expect at least 3-5 sessions; however, there is tremendous variability within this client type.


You should expect at least 2 sessions.