Monday BigLaw Merry-Go-Round (Aug 8, 2016)
Recent reports on lateral hires, financial data, salaries, and hiring trends in BigLaw.
- "The A-List: Our Exclusive Rankings of the Best-of-the-Best 20 Law Firms," The American Lawyer
- "Women in Law: Where are They?," The American Lawyer
- "The Best Firms in Big Law for Women," The American Lawyer
- "Minority Women Still Struggling to Win Top Law Jobs," The American Lawyer
- "GCs Say Many Law Firms Still Stuck in the Past," Corporate Counsel
- "Banking on a $180,000 Entry Salary? Check This Out," Bloomberg Law
- "Littler Program Promoting Diverse Associates Sees Some Success," The American Lawyer
- "Why Are Older Women Leaving Big Law?,"
- "Another Year, Another Uptick in the Nonequity Partner Proportion," New Jersey Law Journal
- "The endangered partner," Law21
- "These law firms are named the best for women," ABA Journal