Julie Cromer Young

(*On Hiatus* We’ll match you to another expert until Julie is back with us.)

Lawyer Coach and Law Student Coach

The Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Julie Cromer Young at “Her Honor: Women in the Judiciary,” for which Julie served as conference director.

The Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Julie Cromer Young at “Her Honor: Women in the Judiciary,” for which Julie served as conference director.

Julie guides individual contributors, academics, and students toward rewarding, long-term careers in the law.

A former AmLaw 100 lawyer and tenured law school professor, Julie Cromer Young is a Harvard Law School trained attorney with 20+ years in law, legal hiring, and developing mid-level associates, entry-level lawyers, law students, and others. She has worked with thousands of lawyers and law students, including those in—or who have gone on to join—Global 100 / Fortune 500 companies, AmLaw 100 and AmLaw 200 law firms, international organizations and NGOs, ABA-accredited law schools, and federal and state government agencies. They have also become federal and state judges. 

Throughout her legal career, Julie has been heavily involved in the development of legal talent—including advising on career paths, legal résumés, cover letters, interview prep, on-campus interviews, job search, and networking. She has been particularly valuable in helping mid-level attorneys and law students explore rewarding traditional and nontraditional career choices, as well as developing strategies for long-term career success. Julie also advises lawyers wanting to enter academic or higher education.

Shauna C. Bryce