Matthew Queler

Lawyer Coach

Matthew Queler was, among other things, an assistant chief in DOJ’s Fraud Section, AmLaw 100 partner, Big 4 principal, and AUSA.

Matthew helps government lawyers in transition, whether to the private sector or other public service.

Matt served in three different roles in the federal government: as an assistant chief in DOJ’s Fraud Unit, as an AUSA, and as a district court clerk.

Most recently, Matt was a principal in Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP’s forensics & investigations practice, where he assisted law firms and companies with internal investigations, as well as with corruption, fraud, and other white collar matters before the DOJ, the SEC, foreign authorities, and others. Additionally, he worked closely with senior in house legal and compliance officers—including CLOs and CCOs—to design, implement, and test effective anti-corruption compliance programs.

Prior to Deloitte, Matt was an Assistant Chief in the U.S. Department of Justice’s FCPA Unit. There he supervised and handled some of the most complex FCPA investigations that were being investigated by the Department. He routinely assessed the efficacy of companies’ internal investigations, compliance programs, and remediation. Matt worked closely with the SEC, federal law enforcement, and foreign authorities. He also developed other close relationships with foreign prosecutors as part of his work with the OECD’s Working Group on Bribery and as a co-organizer of training programs for foreign prosecutors, regulators, and investigators.

Matt, I want to thank you again for meeting with me and giving helpful feedback on my resume and tips for my law firm job search! I’ll be working on implementing your advice.
— Trial lawyer in federal government

Matt has also been a partner at AmLaw 100 law firm Proskauer Rose, where, as part of the Corporate Defense & Investigations Group, his practice focused on corporate internal investigations, white collar criminal defense, and SEC enforcement actions. While at Proskauer, Matt developed extensive experience in FCPA matters. He regularly advised clients on FCPA issues and conducted FCPA policy and procedure reviews, FCPA compliance audits, pre-M&A FCPA due diligence, and FCPA training sessions for clients. He also conducted investigations and represented clients in a wide array of other white collar matters, including those involving allegations of fraud (health care, accounting, mail and wire, bank, ERISA, and tax), False Claims Act violations, money laundering, embezzlement, kickbacks, conflicts of interest, and data and IP theft.

As a more junior lawyer, Matt was an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the District of New Jersey, became an inaugural member of New Jersey’s Anti-Terrorism Task Force within days of 9/11, and worked closely with all levels of law enforcement. He previously served as a law clerk for the Honorable William G. Bassler (retired), U.S. District Judge, District of New Jersey.

Matt graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Yale University, and cum laude from Harvard Law School.

Over his career, he has an innumerable speaking engagements and frequently interviewed by the press as an industry thought leader.