Posts in Senior Leaders
the thought process behind the recommendations

“I read the LinkedIn book—which was very good—cover-to-cover yesterday. I don’t do much social media, so reading the book before the profile optimization was really helpful to understand the thought process behind the recommendations.”

- GC of US Division of multinational public company

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put their money where their mouth is

“​I’ve learned a lot here. This is really interesting for me on many levels. And I like your model; I probably talked to 20 résumé writers and your model is the most collaborative. It also requires to *you* to be on—and to produce and produce and produce—every minute of our call. I don’t think most people can do that, and I don’t think many people put their money where their mouth is like you do.​”

- Former GC of global brand management company

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I have really seen the value

“I’m way further along than I was a couple of months ago. And your help has been instrumental in that. For many years, I felt like I was at the 5-yard line. And now I’ve caught the kick-off and ran it back 40 yards. I’m positioned to participate in the job market. Working with you has been super helpful for me. I have a lot to work with now, and I’ve been forced to do a lot of thinking. I have really seen the value.”

- GC of US Division of multinational public company

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turned gobbledygook into a story

“I think the résumé is really good and I could have never gotten here on my own. You took a gobbledygook of information and turned it into a story. I thought the cover letter was amazing to be quite honest with you. I would never have come up on it on my own, and yet it’s exactly what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it. My goodness. I’m in light years better shape. Thank you for all that you’ve done. I’m really glad I’ve been working with you and I want to continue working with you.”

- Associate GC of NYSE-listed company shifting toward GC roles

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Every word has value.

“I’ve got to tell you, I like the career portfolio [CV, CV addendum, and cover letter] a lot. I’m pleased with all of it. I like the structure. I like the way you broke the information up and used bullets, and I like your wording. The CV has impact from the first page. And I can see you really did your homework. I don’t know how you did it, but you worked it! Every word has value. Trying to do it myself was a fool’s errand.

The cover letter is also a really, really helpful tool that I will be able to build on for future applications. It sets out a structure and lets me know how and where to add information for different job applications.

And I already got great feedback from the retained recruiter. You did everything I needed and I’m in a really good place.”

- One of the nation’s highest-ranking military lawyers

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my healing

“Intuitively, I’ve known I’m spending my energy in the wrong place in my job search and blaming myself for some of the things that have happened in my last job. Thank you for your new prospective. I’ve taken a lot of notes as we talked. I just never would have thought of this. This is great advice. It’s definitely actionable and achievable. And I think it’ll will really help with my healing too. This is a step that will help me remind myself of all the good things I’ve done.”

- Healthcare CLO

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I’m getting a lot of traction

“​My LinkedIn profile is working so well that people don't even ask me for my résumé. I’m meeting with recruiters who understand exactly what I do. I’m getting a lot of traction… so we’re doing well. I’m getting meetings with people who value me and I’ve gotten in to talk to some high-level people.”

- GC / COO in financial services

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Nothing is more painful than steady rejections.

“I really appreciate your input. We've only been talking 10 minutes and you’ve already re-oriented how I think about my résumé. This is such a re-orientation on how tell my story. I feel very liberated. Everyone who has looked at my résumé has locked me into this format, but that hasn’t worked for me. Nothing is more painful than steady rejections. I really like what you're doing. You’ve burned through the log jam of frustration. This has been great.”

- Former GC returning to GC roles

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