Evolving Legal Profession (Dec 13, 2023)
Recent reports on how the legal profession is changing and how to be successful in it.
"The Year Legal Tech Took Center Stage," Law.com
"Be Wary of Phishing Schemes This Holiday Season," New Jersey Law Journal
"How AI Legal Research Tools Are Shifting Law Firm Processes," Law360
"Law Firms' Command-and-Control Management Style Isn't Working — What Now?" Law.com
"Zip Code Matters for People Living in Poverty Who Need a Legal Aid Lawyer," The American Lawyer
"'It Just Isn't Worth My Time' Say Slaughter and May Associates of Pro Bono," Law.com International
"LegalEdge: Tips for Freshly Minted Lawyers," Daily Report
"Despite FisherBroyles' Departures, Distributed Firm Model Is Here to Stay, Albeit With Modifications," The American Lawyer
"What's The Path Forward for Distributed Firms?"Law Firm Disrupted
"Setting Up For Success: How to Finish Out 2023 Strong and Thrive in 2024," The American Lawyer
"The newest lawyer competence: Quality control," Jordan Furlong
"Generative AI Boosts Speed for All Legal Work, Quality for Some, Study Finds," The American Lawyer
"Law Firms Wrestle With How Much to Tell Clients About AI Use," Bloomberg Law
"The one skill lawyers need to use Generative AI," Jordan Furlong
"Judges Reflect on GenAI Use One Year After ChatGPT's Debut," Bloomberg Law
"AI's Rise May Motivate Law Firms to Quit Their Traditional Ways," Bloomberg Law
"Law's Lightbulb Moment: Why AI Needs More Time to Develop," The American Lawyer
"Rethinking Law Firm Workplaces in the Age of Hybrid Work," Law.com International
"Legal Writing 101: A Few Techniques and Tips for Consideration," The Legal Intelligencer
"Ontario government overhauling labour and employment laws, including for legal profession," Law Times
"Like Cash, the Days of Holding Client Data Are Numbered," Law.com International
"Law Firm Leasing Activity Through Q3 Nearly Outpaces All of 2022," The American Lawyer
"As Office Costs Rise, Law Firms Are Unveiling 'Hybrid' Workspace," The American Lawyer
"The Learning 'Gap': Why Building Client Relationships Is Still a Mystery to So Many Associates," Law.com International
"How Sidley Austin Is Filling In Pandemic-Era Training Gaps," Law.com
"Culture Wars: The True Gauge of Happiness is at the Junior End," Law.com International
"How Some Law Firms Are Reimagining Succession Planning," Bloomberg Law
"AI chatbot can pass national lawyer ethics exam, study finds," Reuters
"Gen AI Passes the MPRE With No Prior Ethics Training," Legaltech News
"73 Percent Of Lawyers Expect To Be Using Generative AI Next Year... But To Do What Exactly?" Above the Law
"AI improves legal writing speed, not quality — study," Reuters
"AI's Legal Work Impact Likely on Speed, Not Quality, Study Says," Bloomberg Law
"Bridging Generational Gaps in Law Firms," American Bar Association
"Grappling with Culture after COVID: A Managing Partner Roundtable," American Bar Association
"It's Hoteling, Not Moteling," Law.com
"What Can PPP Tell Us? It's Complicated," Law360
"Dear Dan: Demystifying Legal Recruiters," The American Lawyer
"Succession planning in the legal world," Precedent
"Rainmaking and Leadership Are Divorced, and the Firm Is Not Alright," American Bar Association
About Bryce Legal
Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
Since 2006, the legal profession, networking, and job search have changed. Our goal has remained the same: best-in-class services for lawyers. Learn more about our team and how we can help you.
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