Evolving Legal Profession (Jun 14, 2023)
Recent reports on how the legal profession is changing and how to be successful in it.
"Paralegals Race to Stay Relevant as AI Threatens Their Future," Bloomberg Law
"Generative AI could radically alter the practice of law," The Economist
"Bridging the Gap Between Law Knowledge and Legal Practice: How Lean Adviser Can Help Students," Law.com
"After Billing Endlessly For Years, Associate Turns Down Biglaw Partnership To Focus On Work-Life Balance," Above the Law
"Stress Is No Badge Of Honor When It Comes To Atty Wellness," Law360
"Seven Ways Law Firm Leaders Can Retain Talent", Daily Report
"How Cultural Competency Can Open New Markets for Attorneys," 2Civility
"Avoid These Mistakes When Crafting A Legal Resume," Texas Lawyer
"With Tension Rising Inside Law Firms, Alternative Career Tracks Will Become Key," The American Lawyer
"Valuable Lesson: The Skill of Creating a Great Work Product," The Legal Intelligencer
"Looming Retirement Wave Puts Succession On Front Burner," Law360
"Is the recent wave of law firm layoffs a sign of things to come?," ABA Journal
"Mid-Law Lateral Associates Seek Balance And Advancement," Law360
"ABA Opinion Clarifies What Intake Tasks Nonlawyers Can Handle," The American Lawyer
"Lawyer's AI Blunder Shows Perils of ChatGPT in 'Early Days'," Bloomberg Law
"Here's What Happens When Your Lawyer Uses ChatGPT," The New York Times
"Some Law Schools Already Are Using ChatGPT To Teach Legal Research And Writing," ABA Journal
"Stellar or so-so? ChatGPT bar exam performance sparks differing opinions," Reuters
"ChatGPT Tempts Big Law Despite AI Accuracy, Data Privacy Worries," Bloomberg Law
"LegalEdge: How to Make Partner/Develop as a Lawyer," Daily Report
"Legal Tech vs. the Billable Hour: Experts Weigh In," Legaltech News
"The Other Talent War: Professional Development Isn't Just for Lawyers Anymore," The American Lawyer
"Law Firms Boost Parental Leave as Some Workers Remain Skeptical," Bloomberg Law
"Law Firms Must Normalize Working Parenthood to Retain Talent," Bloomberg Law
"Five Tips for Navigating Firm Life as a New or Young Lawyer," The Legal Intelligencer
"CLOC 2023 Takeaways: Generative AI, Job Generation and the Future of CLM," Legaltech News
"Legal Ops' Path to the Future Is Paved With Generative AI, Teamwork," Legaltech News
"A Three-Step Process For Leaders Considering RTO and Other Divisive Issues," The American Lawyer
"AI Guidance Ups Ante for Employers Trying to Avoid Bias Claims," Bloomberg Law
"A look at Paul Hastings' viral 'no exceptions, no excuses' presentation missteps," ABA Journal
"Is A.I. Coming for the Lawyers?," Law Pod
"The mobile lawyer: knowing oneself and sizing up opportunities," Reuters
"A new bar exam is coming. Here's what it will test," Reuters
"ANALYSIS: Much-Needed Bar Exam Reform Is Finally Coming," Bloomberg Law
"Planned structure of new practice skills questions shared by National Conference of Bar Examiners," ABA Journal
"Developmental Musings From a Midcareer Young Lawyer," The Legal Intelligencer
"Big Law Lawyers Are on TikTok. Their Firms Are Conflicted," Bloomberg Law
"Don't Scapegoat Robots to Protect the Lawyer Monopoly on Services," Bloomberg Law
"Fear or FOMO: Big Law Split on How to Boost Office Attendance," The American Lawyer
About Bryce Legal
Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
Since 2006, the legal profession, networking, and job search have changed. Our goal has remained the same: best-in-class services for lawyers. Learn more about our team and how we can help you.
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