Evolving Legal Profession (Sep 4, 2024)
Recent reports on how the legal profession is changing and how to be successful in it.
"Privileged Prompts, Mid-Market Momentum, the Cloud's Comeback & More: Top Takeaways from ILTACON 2024," Legaltech News
"Richard Susskind, Now Special Envoy for Justice and AI, Talks AI's Role in A2J," Legaltech News
"Law Firms Reimagine Recruitment Amid AI Talent War," Law360
"How To Get Attys Excited — Not Scared — About Innovation," Law360
"'This Is a Huge Miss!': More Companies Requiring JDs for Legal Ops Roles, a Trend Vets of the Field Call Nonsensical," Corporate Counsel
"The Making Of Lawyers' Careers: Inequality And Opportunity In The American Legal Profession," TaxProf Blog
"Legal Fate of FTC Noncompete Ban Far From Resolved," The National Law Journal
"Cross-border employers should be cautious with non-competes even with block on FTC ban, lawyers say," Canadian Lawyer
"A Winding Path: How Lawyers' Career Aspirations Shift," Law360
"AFAs Will Grow as Firms Increase Gen AI Usage, New Survey Finds," New York Law Journal
"Tech Is Helping Law Firm Trainers Boost Learning Programs," Law360
"How Generative AI will change what lawyers do," Jordan Furlong
"Will AI Write California's Future Bar Exams?" The Recorder
"Washington Weighs Loosening Rules on Who Can Practice Law," Bloomberg Law
"It's Time to Get Rid of the Black Box Model," The American Lawyer
"Non-Equity Partnership Can Benefit Firms — and, Yes, Lawyers Too," Bloomberg Law
"Big Law Is Questioning the 'Magical Thinking' of AI as Messiah," Bloomberg Law
"2023 Worst Year Yet For Cyberattacks On Law Firms: Study," Law360
"'The New Reality': Summer Associate Training Zeros In on Generative AI," The American Lawyer
"Lawyers using AI must heed ethics rules, ABA says in first formal guidance," Reuters
"'Risk in AI': Law Firm Billing Will Need to Adapt," Law.com
"AI to Redefine Paralegal Role, Imperiling Some Practitioners, Turbocharging Careers of Others," The American Lawyer
"Law Firms Should Ditch the Rigid Mindset for a Disruptive Model," Bloomberg Law
"ANALYSIS: Tech Advances Inspire Curriculum Changes in Law School," Bloomberg Law
"Legal-Ops Professionals Grapple With Power Struggles Among Legal Teams and AI Adoption," Corporate Counsel
"Specializing vs. Generalizing: How to Choose Your Legal Path," The Legal Intelligencer
"New lawyers: Start building your client relationships now," Jordan Furlong
"Crafting a Career in Law, Perspective From a Young Attorney," Daily Business Review
"Going on leave to volunteer recommitted lawyer to her ideal of justice and led to career change," Canadian Lawyer
"Texas to allow some non-lawyers to provide legal services, joining other states," Reuters
"The great discontent of law firm power dynamics," Law360 Canada
"Fuzzier Pathways, Changing Priorities Dent Appeal of Partnership to Today's Young Attorneys," New York Law Journal
"How Law Firms Can Avoid Fallout Over Politics, Social Issues," Law360
"My Nonpracticing Law Job: Career And Wellness Coach," Law360
"Why Morrison & Foerster Is Transitioning Into a Hybrid Office Model in Miami," Daily Business Review
"San Francisco and Los Angeles are seeing a shakeup in law firm leases," ABA Journal
"Navigating Ethical Concerns for Young Lawyers," The Legal Intelligencer
"Fostering the Development of Junior Lawyers: Embracing Feedforward and Reframing Feedback," Slaw
"Pelotons, Gym, Napping Rooms: Latest Law Firm Renovations 'Draw People' In with Home Amenities," New York Law Journal
"Forget everything you think you know about law firms," Jordan Furlong
"U.S. News Replaces Ordinal Ranking Of Medical Schools With Tiers Due To Boycott. Are Law Schools Next?" TaxProf Blog
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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