Legal Education Roundup (Jun 23, 2023)
Recent reports on the future of law schools and legal education.
"'New Wave of Litigation' Expected on Proposed Title IX Changes, Now Delayed Until October,"
"How could alternative licensure alter lawyer labor supply? Lawprof's research may have answers," ABA Journal
"Ever Wonder How Many People The Bar Exam Keeps Out Of The Profession? We Finally Have A Number!," Above the Law
"If affirmative action is struck down, these law schools may point to the future," Reuters
"Berkeley Law Seeks to Help Legal Professionals Impacted by Layoffs,"
"The rise of the 'human skills' lawyer," Jordan Furlong
"Online Law School Posts Top-Notch Bar Exam Pass Rate," The Recorder
"Ahead of the Curve: Could 'JD-Next' Be the Answer to the Law School Admissions Test Debate?,"
About the Author
Julie Cromer Young, Esq. Career Coach and Résumé Writer
Law school doesn’t teach you how to get a job and build a career. Since 2006, we've helped law students transition to law practice. Learn more about our team and how we can help you.
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