“I have some interviews coming up and I’ve already had 3 interviews with employers and recruiters.”
- Aspiring chief compliance officer
Read More“I have some interviews coming up and I’ve already had 3 interviews with employers and recruiters.”
- Aspiring chief compliance officer
Read More“This makes perfect sense, but it’s not necessarily intuitive. It really requires me to step back and really think about how do I make myself attractive to other employers. There’s legwork, but it’s not as daunting as I thought. Before this call, I was going in five different directions trying to figure out what the next step was.”
- Senior employment counsel
Read More“I do think this has all been helpful. You’ve given me an approach and process to move forward. All the things we’ve been discussing—that’s why I don’t have a résumé. The process that you’ve outlined on determining my goals and the target pool of employers will be a helpful tool for me in thinking about my career and in formulating an approach for the résumé.”
- Senior securities defense litigator
Read More“I seriously appreciate this advice. I’ve been really struggling with interviewers, and I didn’t understand why until now. I’m glad to have a way of more proactively addressing the problem—before red flags are raised about why I’m applying for these jobs.”
- Former GC downshifting to senior counsel roles
Read More“I really appreciate your insight. I needed to get away from fantasyland, so I appreciate your grounding and your time. This has been amazing; really really helpful.”
- SME at the intersection of science and the law
Read More“I didn’t really have a clear thought process for my job search before. I’m finally connecting the dots. This all makes total sense. And it feels like something I can do. I have to dig deeper and think more. I’m realizing how much I haven’t thought through. I have a lot of questions to ask myself!”
- Senior associate considering in-house roles
Read More"You’re always so upbeat—even so early in the morning!”
- L&E attorney and long-time client
Read More“I just stink at interviewing. I have stage fright. It’s true. And I don't know what to do about it. Your coaching made me better—I wasn’t as nervous. And I was told that I came across as more confident. And these are all really great ideas to continue to improve.”
- In-house counsel at Fortune 100 energy company
Read More“You have tapped into my core passions. This has been super helpful.”
- Silicon Valley transactional lawyer
Read More“I just got back from an interview at an aerospace company in [state]. The feedback from recruiters and employers is that the résumé is impressive (thanks, Shauna!) and my experience is great. I’ve gotten to the final rounds in several set of interviews.”
- Senior in-house L&E counsel
Read More“Hi Shauna, I have successfully passed the interview process and am expecting the offer any day.”
- AGC at Fortune 100 energy company
Read More“Thanks Shauna. You really have been a big help and I appreciate it. I’m (finally) starting to take all this much more seriously, which I should have done years before.”
- Litigator reinvigorating his career
Read More“Shauna: Thank you very much for your help. I met with a headhunter yesterday and it went well.”
- ALJ transitioning back into the private sector
Read More“I had a job interview this morning to be a permanent clerk at Superior Court. This is my third interview for two different jobs within the trial court system.”
- Litigator shifting from solo practice to state government
Read More“Thanks, Shauna. I greatly appreciate our talk today. Very helpful. And thank you for sending the notes!”
- Fortune 5 corporate attorney
Read More“Hi Shauna-- I have had several phone interviews, but most positions are now on ‘hold’ pending 2Q numbers…I do have two work-at-home firms interested in me.“
- Senior in-house IP lawyer
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