“Thank you for being so great, Jared. I had a little anxiety; résumés make me anxious. I'm glad the world has people like you. Thanks for making this so painless and fun.”
– Senior Counsel for a U.S. State
Read More“Thank you for being so great, Jared. I had a little anxiety; résumés make me anxious. I'm glad the world has people like you. Thanks for making this so painless and fun.”
– Senior Counsel for a U.S. State
Read More“Shauna, I wanted to update you on my job search following your (fantastic) work on my résumé and LinkedIn profile optimization. I have been searching for a little over 3 months using these materials, and have gotten a slew of interviews — law firm, in-house, DOJ, SEC — you name it. It took some time for the interviews to convert into offers, I think because of the number and quality of candidates on the market right now, combined with a delay in the process for assessing and hiring candidates given to remote work and general business uncertainty. However, my materials got my foot in the door nearly everywhere that I applied, and networked. The résumé alone also led to interviews at a couple places solely via submission in the online ATS, without any networking. I now have two offers... Both are great opportunities to grow my career... Thank you again for your incredible work; I feel so fortunate that I landed with you when I was searching for legal résumé writers. You laid the groundwork for me to succeed in an incredibly difficult job market.”
– BigLaw associate exploring options in law firms, government, and corporate legal departments
Read More“I had tried several times to interview with this company before, but never got a response—until I sent the résumé and cover letter you did. Then I got immediate positive feedback. I've had two recruiter interviews, and 4 interviews over the past week—including with a software company and as a general counsel for a small start-up. And this whole exercise has forced me to take a good hard look at what I've done and what I want. Thank you Shauna!”
– In-house data privacy counsel
Read More“Shauna, I'm not gonna lie, I'm so glad I worked with you to get my materials pristine, because even though the job market is very slow, my materials got my foot my in door and helped me present. And the tips you gave me have really been successful, including reaching out to the hiring director directly and making connections with alumni and others in organizations. In the last 3 months, I've interviewed with almost every place I applied, including Facebook, Twitter, T-Mobile, Amazon, Honeywell, Nielsen, SEC, JPMorgan, and a US Attorney's Office.”
– BigLaw associate exploring options in law firms, Fortune 500 companies, and federal government
Read More“Thank you so much, Julie! This gives me a lot of ideas. It's good to hear that you have the same opinion as I do. I was lost, and you organized my mind. Now I can focus on my search.”
– Foreign attorney looking to transition into a U.S. of counsel position
Read More“The résumé and cover letter are excellent, Shauna. It's like you clear out all the noise, making everything concise and impactful. I used the résumé last week and already have a job interview scheduled! I have been referring everyone to you.”
– Fortune 500 commercial contract lawyer
Read More“Shauna, I exchanged emails with you several years ago, but eventually went with someone else. I should have gone with you then. I like that you make me actually think about what I do, instead of me just answering on auto-pilot, and that you really challenge me to remember details. I'm much happier with this new résumé. The old one was a result of a lot of bad advice.”
- Fortune 10 senior commercial contracts attorney
Read More“The résumé is now streamlined and straightforward. It’s no longer salesy like the other résumé writer made it. This is exactly what I wanted. It speaks much better to a lawyer audience. Thanks a million for your guidance, Shauna!”
- White collar litigator in BigLaw
Read More“When we were doing the original résumé, my dad was like, 'Why are we paying to have someone do your résumé?' And then he saw it, and was like, 'Oh. That's why.' I've had more than 20 people tell me this is the best-written résumé they've ever seen. Thank you, Shauna!”
- Tech transactions lawyer getting résumé update
Read More“Other than you and my sisters, I haven’t told anyone these things. I don’t think it’s safe to talk to some of my friends even about these things. There’s no one I would trust to talk about it with.”
- Senior IP lawyer
Read More"I appreciate the candor. I’ve been sending résumés out for weeks without the response I’ve wanted, and I’d realized that I’ve just been missing something. But I didn’t understand what that something was. Thanks for your time today.”
- Tech transactions and privacy counsel
Read More“That was fast! It’s all happening a lot more quickly than I thought it would! I didn’t feel comfortable with the résumé the other professional résumé writer did. But just a week after we finished the new résumé, I’ve already set up interview for an AGC role in DC.”
- AmLaw 100 lawyer returning to U.S.
Read More“You have had so much impact on my career and my life. You just don’t even know. I trust you implicitly.”
- Long-time Bryce Legal client
Read More“Organizing the panel you suggested has already had benefits and it was completely worth it. I’ve already raised my profile. It was great. It was also a lot more enjoyable as an experience that I’d thought. People were much more willing to work with me than I thought they’d be. It opened my eyes a lot.”
- Senior patent attorney learning to network
Read More“I'm being highly selective in the pursuit of new employment [and] last week had a second-round in-person interview with a law firm that I’m highly interested in joining... I strongly believe that getting invited to interview with the firm came as a direct result of Shauna’s help in bolstering my résumé, and so I am very thankful, and hopeful that I’ll make a full transition in the near future.”
- In-house technology lawyer
Read More“I really loved everything you suggested for my LinkedIn profile. It was really everything I wanted. You made it really simple for me to make the changes. I’ve actually already gotten more hits since I made the updates, including from several recruiters.”
- White collar defense attorney in Hong Kong
Read More“It’s happening! My networking is so much better. It’s getting so much easier to reach out. And I’d forgotten how social I used to be before these bad experiencing with my last employers. I’m realizing we don’t have to be defined by the bad things in our past. I’d been holding onto so much pain. I’m finally moving past it.”
- IP lawyer
Read More“This has been really empowering for me. I wish every lawyer could have this experience. I have finally seen my value.”
- Senior in-house counsel
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