“I got the job at [trade association] for which we did the cover letter about 6 weeks ago.”
- Financial services executive
Read More“I got the job at [trade association] for which we did the cover letter about 6 weeks ago.”
- Financial services executive
Read More“My cover letter has been really good and my résumé has been too. I haven’t had to do much adapting or personalizing the master documents because they’ve been so on target.”
- Aspiring chief compliance officer in healthcare sector
Read More“Thank you so much, this has been really enlightening.”
- Commercial litigator exploring in-house options
Read More“Thank you so much. I will definitely be recommending you to my friends, Shauna.”
- General Counsel
Read More“I’m very happy. Thank you so much for your time and effort. I really appreciate everything you’ve done. I hope we can work together again sometime.”
- FinTech GC./ COO
Read More“Thank you for all your help with the résumé and everything. Without you I wouldn't know any of this stuff. I mean I know I got this job partly because of you.”
- Director of Government Affairs for association
Read More“You once told me to always reach out to directly to the GC, like through LinkedIn, when I see a job that interested me. That was a very valuable tip. Some told me I was the only candidate to ever do that. And they love all the details included in the résumé. I've gotten very positive feedback.”
- Primary in-house counsel for $7 billion business
Read More“I love the new résumé! My work is very technical and people have told me in the past they didn’t understand my résumé at all. What I like about this process is that you’re helping me put my work into terms that other people understand.”
- Foreign-trained business lawyer
Read More“Hi Jared. Thanks for the session last week. I thought it was very helpful and have already sent another potential client your way.'“
- General counsel, chief compliance officer, and corporate secretary for a publicly traded medical device company
Read More“This was definitely helpful, Julie. I am definitely in a much better position with my résumé and cover letter than I was before our session.”
- Recent graduate looking for first attorney position
Read More“Jared, this was super helpful. You know how it is when you know your résumé isn’t quite right but don’t know how to get yourself unstuck. I didn’t know what to expect when I signed up, but you’ve given me so many good ideas. I'm going to run off and do as much as I can on my own ... then I might be back for another session! You also might get a call from a colleague who was wondering how this would go."
- Senior in-house counsel for a publicly-traded energy company
Read More“My résumé has been boring. There were a lot of jargon-y words that don't speak to who I am, but you've been pulling information out of me really easily. And, oh my gosh, just made a yeoman's improvement in just an hour and half of work.”
- AmLaw 100 partner
Read More“Just so you know, Jared, I thought your thinking was great. The starter skeleton was a really good roadmap for us [to write the résumé]. I can tell you’ve done this many times before. There’s no other competitor doing what you guys are doing. This is incredible. Now I understand why this takes time. You’re really trying to crush the story. As you say, it’s important for the company, but also me. The GC role is pretty damned important. This was a reality check [and] I’m so impressed with the product.”
- Hong Kong-based senior legal advisor in global investment bank
Read More“This has been so insightful and educational. I appreciate it. I wish people taught this in school or even just along the way. But no one ever tells you all this stuff.”
- Senior M&A attorney at S&P 500 Component
Read More“Thanks so much for all your help, Jared. The company I interviewed at two weeks ago, gave me an offer and I just accepted after some salary negotiation.”
- Senior IP counsel
Read More“Thank you. I learned a lot and I appreciate your insights.”
- Brief writer with non-traditional career path
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