“Thank you so much, Shauna! I truly appreciate all of your help and taking the time to speak with me on a Saturday.“
- Junior financial services lawyer
Read More“This résumé critique was tremendously helpful.”
- Senior employment lawyer moving in-house from government
Read More“This was definitely necessary. The résumé I had was clearly not working, because of the gaps and just the wrong focus. The substantive stuff I’ve done is [now] more apparent.”
- eDiscovery attorney looking for law firm roles
Read More“I cannot tell you how helpful this is. This looks amazing, thank you.”
- Director of Legal
Read More“This is amazing. I’m really blown away that you were able to take my stories and turn them into a résumé.”
- Prosecutor seeking public policy roles
Read More“This is been great! I’ve had so many problems trying to turn my years in teaching into something law firms might appreciate.”
- Second-career law student
Read More“I think this is great. I didn’t realize you could do so much with a résumé.”
- Junior financial services lawyer
Read More“You’ve articulated exactly where I want to go.”
- One of the highest-ranking lawyers in the U.S. Navy
Read More“As usual, this call has been action-packed with maximum value. I’ve learned so much from you. This has been such a good exercise in self-discovery and I’ve loved working with you.”
- Chief IP Counsel at a component company of the NASDAQ Biotechnology Index
Read More“Hi Shauna, I hope you are doing well. We worked together in May 2017 on my résumé and cover letter for pursuing in-house attorney positions. You were incredibly helpful and I am so happy to report that I received a position as Deputy General Counsel in June at a fast growing startup. It has been a wonderful experience and your assistance in presenting the best version of myself and my skills was instrumental in obtaining this position. So thank you! I was [also] recently informed by the CEO that I will soon be promoted to General Counsel (yay).”
- Executive-track in-house counsel
Read More“This has been incredibly helpful. I think I’m in good shape now.”
- BigLaw associate working on Amazon job application
Read More“Shauna, you have been great. The résumé looks good and addresses my concerns. It’s much better—more comprehensive—and it speaks to the different types of work I’ve contributed to.”
- Junior attorney changing focus to healthcare
Read More“Very helpful. I understand how I really need to prepare for the questions interviewers might have and to actually research specific employers.”
- Junior attorney preparing for interviews
Read More“I [initially] landed at a six-attorney firm with a great culture and adequate salary [but] I just recently received another offer that gives me a $25k raise in salary and extraordinary benefits.”
- Midlevel attorney
Read More“Thank you for being so good at what you do. This has been a fabulous experience.”
- Director of Legal Operations
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