You are my Marie Kondo

“​I do want to compliment you on doing a really great job on my CV, CV addendum, and LinkedIn. It’s been so great to have your broader perspective. You are my Marie Kondo—you’ve really decluttered my long, varied career history. This has been incredible and I’ve really appreciated your help in bringing me into the modern age. And if you ever need a review let me know.”

- Former judge and former counsel to the governor

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“I’m a very visual person, and the résumé just looks beautiful. It’s more structured and has more meat on it. And I really appreciate that you’re a lawyer. It just makes all of this so much easier. Just this process has been very valuable—just making me think about myself in a different way.”

- Corporate board member and general counsel in Fortune 100 drug company

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It was a joy

“Beautiful. Your strategy makes a lot of sense. The new résumé talks more much about the transferrable skills, rather than wasting time on stuff that just doesn’t matter. This is amazing. Thank you for helping me articulate things running around in my brain that I didn’t have the right words for. It was a joy watching it happen.”

- Compliance and risk management attorney

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enormously valuable

“​I have to tell you, the response to the CV has been extremely positive—from recruiters, from the CEOs, CFOs, and COOs interviewing me, and from my networking contacts. It’s engendered a lot of interest. The process of just communicating with you has been enormously valuable. It gave me a lot of clarity in how to think about my career. I had the tendency to be dismissive about my branding, but now that I’m interviewing, people have positive feedback abou​t how I’ve positioned my career.”

- CLO for public healthcare companies

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my phone interview went well

“I believe that my phone interview on Wednesday went well. The attorneys asked a lot of substantive questions which I felt very prepared for after the résumé writing session. I will let you know if this job ends up working out but either way I am very excited for my new résumé.​”

- Corporate and compliance attorney

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The résumé, upon first use, got me an interview!

“The résumé, upon first use, got me an interview! Shauna kind of gave it to me straight and made me face myself and then tore my résumé up, but the end product was fantastic. I would certainly like her help with cover letter and interview advice. She is incredible.”

- Junior attorney seeking law firm associate roles

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