“Thanks, Shauna. I greatly appreciate our talk today. Very helpful. And thank you for sending the notes!”
- Fortune 5 corporate attorney
Read More“Thanks, Shauna. I greatly appreciate our talk today. Very helpful. And thank you for sending the notes!”
- Fortune 5 corporate attorney
Read More“Hi Shauna-- I have had several phone interviews, but most positions are now on ‘hold’ pending 2Q numbers…I do have two work-at-home firms interested in me.“
- Senior in-house IP lawyer
Read More“I’m already on page 3 of notes [15 minutes into interview prep]. I want to thank you for your time today and over the weekend. I’d like to keep you on retainer. This has been really good.”
- Senior Fortune 100 IP lawyer
Read More“This is fantastic! I love this screen share format for résumé writing. I’m a technology nerd, so I love this!”
- Senior AmLaw 100 associate moving in-house
Read More“Michelle was very helpful. She followed up with me, was very mindful, and helped me get on your calendar.”
- General Counsel
Read More“Thank you so much. I really appreciate you spending time with me and I like the way you were able to come up with a solution for all the repetitiveness that had been in my résumé.”
- Privacy and commercial contracts counsel for tech companies
Read More“I’m grateful you’ve been able to translate what I do and have done into something that makes sense and really shows my legal skills. When you’re in it every day, it’s hard to step back and see the value you bring. I’m much more comfortable with the new résumé. It’s more reflective of my value. I spoke to a recruiter this week and they said the résumé was fabulous and asked where I got it done. Again thank you very much. This whole thing has been so incredibly helpful.”
- General Counsel
Read More“You are so good. You’re amazing and worth every penny. My confidence is already so much higher. I now know that I’m marketable and I can be valuable to the right company. I will be forever on Team Shauna.”
- Deputy General Counsel at one of America’s most well-known retailers
Read More“A recruiter hooked me up with a job interview tomorrow with [AmLaw 100] law firm. I really appreciate all your support and everything.”
- Midlevel moving from contract work into e-discovery staff attorney roles in BigLaw
Read More“It’s a completely different approach than I’ve been taught, but I totally understand the method. It makes 100% sense and it’s totally clear. I feel so much better about my prospects and my plan of attack after working with you. It’s making me think about what I need to do to prepare for a job interview, to make sure I can reframe what I do. I’m loving this.”
- Federal judicial clerk transitioning to law firms
Read More“I’ve learned so much from your LinkedIn book. This is all incredibly helpful.”
- Former counsel to the governor
Read More“Last week was so helpful for me. It was very helpful for me to hear the affirmations of what I was thinking and had been going through. It was also helpful to hear you articulate the problem. And it was super super helpful to come up a strategy! Just talking to someone as smart as you was so fun. Just being able to say something and have it understood. I really resonated with you.”
- Senior Silicon Valley counsel
Read More“Oh my God, I love you so much. You are so awesome.”
- Nationally recognized criminal litigator
Read More“Thanks so much for your insight! I am ready to move on, and very much looking forward to the new adventures. The tools you shared with me were invaluable, and if I come across additional situations or thoughts that would benefit from your input, I will definitely make another appointment! Also send my warmest regards to your amazing staff. Thank you for getting me back into the game the right way. Thanks again!”
- IP counsel
Read More“This has been very helpful. Thank you so much. This has helped me re-focus in terms of organizing and having another way of expressing myself and structuring my background.”
- Former U.S. Attorney
Read More“I’ve read your LinkedIn book and it’s very good.“
- Global Chief Compliance Officer for world-known cosmetics brand
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