“I like the résumé. It’s more straightforward and tells a the story better. It’s just easier for the reader. And the two hours flew by!”
- Lead compliance attorney in healthcare industry
Read More“I like the résumé. It’s more straightforward and tells a the story better. It’s just easier for the reader. And the two hours flew by!”
- Lead compliance attorney in healthcare industry
Read More“There’s been a vast improvement in my job search prospects since I talked to you. It was incredible how quick it all happened. Not only am I finally getting responses to my résumé, but I also just wake up feeling better, with more get-up-and-go. Things are starting to move!”
- Junior litigator
Read More“I’m liking this résumé a lot more than what I sent you! And it’s been interesting to hear more about what information employers might find most interesting about me.”
- Senior corporate generalist
Read More“You have so many techniques to fix these problems that I’ve been trying to solve for years. I can see why you’re completely booked.”
- Foreign-trained oil and gas attorney
Read More“I really appreciate your insight. I needed to get away from fantasyland, so I appreciate your grounding and your time. This has been amazing; really really helpful.”
- SME at the intersection of science and the law
Read More“I feel good. I think you’ve given me a lot of good tools to work with, so I appreciate that. Your LinkedIn book is very helpful. I established my profile a long time ago and really haven’t done anything with it. It’s good to get back to it.”
- Fortune 500 DGC
Read More“I didn’t really have a clear thought process for my job search before. I’m finally connecting the dots. This all makes total sense. And it feels like something I can do. I have to dig deeper and think more. I’m realizing how much I haven’t thought through. I have a lot of questions to ask myself!”
- Senior associate considering in-house roles
Read More“I agree with everything you just said. I used to do hiring for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and I reviewed thousands of résumés. And I can’t believe that I’ve made the very same mistakes on my own résumé.”
- Former federal prosecutor now in corporate investigations and compliance
Read More"You’re always so upbeat—even so early in the morning!”
- L&E attorney and long-time client
Read More“Thank you so much for your time today and for the advice you gave me! I think what you did to my résumé is a huge improvement already. Thank you so much, Shauna. I really appreciate it.”
- Small firm attorney looking to shift to BigLaw
Read More“Wow. You’re very good! You’re explaining it to me in a way that I really get it. This is great because you’re raising all these really great questions. No one has given me this kind of feedback before.”
- State government attorney transitioning in-house
Read More“You’re a genius with words. And your questions are making me realize how much I need to practice my answers for the interviews. I have a lot I need to go back to my records and look up. This has been well worth the money and I'll be recommending it to everyone!”
- Recent law school graduate applying for entry-level roles
Read More“I just stink at interviewing. I have stage fright. It’s true. And I don't know what to do about it. Your coaching made me better—I wasn’t as nervous. And I was told that I came across as more confident. And these are all really great ideas to continue to improve.”
- In-house counsel at Fortune 100 energy company
Read More“You have tapped into my core passions. This has been super helpful.”
- Silicon Valley transactional lawyer
Read More"I’ve been just frozen trying to work on my résumé on my own. This has forced me think and rethink so I can just get moving.”
- Law professor exploring government roles
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