an extremely helpful exercise

“One of the most helpful parts of our conversation is forcing me to remember all the work I’ve done. It was an extremely helpful exercise and a great reminder that you’ve got to know what’s on your résumé and be able to speak to it. Thank you so much!​”

- GC-track financial services attorney

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put their money where their mouth is

“​I’ve learned a lot here. This is really interesting for me on many levels. And I like your model; I probably talked to 20 résumé writers and your model is the most collaborative. It also requires to *you* to be on—and to produce and produce and produce—every minute of our call. I don’t think most people can do that, and I don’t think many people put their money where their mouth is like you do.​”

- Former GC of global brand management company

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I have struggled with this for months

“In the last 10 minutes, I’ve realized that I really needed something to click with me about why I’m not interviewing well. And this is it. I’ve had all the answers in my head, but my insecurities cloud my ability to give the clear, concise, confident answers. Honestly, I have struggled with this for months. I’ve been so hung up on trying to justify and apologize for my background instead of really understanding that it has value. I finally got it! I'm so glad we did this.”

- Law firm litigation partner shifting to very different in-house roles

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