really sold me

“Jared, I had an idea about who you were from [a past Bryce Legal client], who just got a new job. He’s taking more of a start-up GC and chief strategy officer role for an interesting technology that doesn’t require him to relocate. He’ll have a good stake of equity. That’s why I wanted to discuss working with you. What I didn’t expect was how quickly you would look at my story and build reason around it. From the angel-funded early days to the private equity phase to the public company phase and finally the acquisition. I see it as one big slog, but having those boundaries around which to tell this story really sold me on how you think.”

- Co-founder and chief strategy officer of a billion-dollar global medical device company

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I interviewed 7 other résumé writers

“It’s been really good working with you, Jared. It’s funny, I interviewed 7 other résumé writers before talking to you. Recently, I happened to find some of their samples and said, ‘Oh my résumé is so much better than these.’ Some were good but I feel like mine was a lot better. This has forced me to really figure out what I do day-to-day. I’m really excited about it. I feel like my résumé is a lot stronger than what I started with. Like night and day.“

- Fixed income division associate for a multinational investment bank and financial services company

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new and better role

“Thanks, Jared! With your help on the résumé, I got a new job! I’m quite pleased with it and wanted to thank you for all your efforts. A FinTech company offered me a more senior position with better pay and more flexibility with hours. I actually didn’t have to apply to many places because the résumé you helped me write really showcased my experience. I really do appreciate all your help with it.”

- Senior in-house counsel

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