Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession (Oct 25, 2023)
Recent reports on diversity and inclusion within in law firms, corporations, and the workplace at large.
"Race, ethnicity, parents' education level produce differing job outcomes for class of 2022 law grads," ABA Journal
"As Legal Jobs Surge, Law Grads Of Color Lag In Employment," Law360
"NALP: Highest Employment Rate in 35 Years for Law School Grads," Law.com
"Legal job market remains unequal for US graduates of colour, first-gen college students: NALP report," Canadian Lawyer
"Pittsburgh's largest law firms paid new grads up to $225,000," Pittsburgh Business Times
"NALP: Highest Jobs Rate In 35 Years For Law School Class Of 2022, But Grad Of Color And First-Gen Lag Behind," TaxpProf Blog
"Law School Grads Are Getting Jobs At Historic Rates," Above the Law
"Gender pay gap has turned in favour of female general counsel: ACC survey,"Canadian Lawyer
"Adams and Reese Folds Minority Fellowship After Blum Targets 3 More Law Firms," The American Lawyer
"Broadening the Hiring Criteria for Legal Jobs Would Benefit Minorities, Clients," New York Law Journal
"Fox Rothschild, Susman Godfrey Are Possible DEI Lawsuit Targets," Bloomberg Law
"Fox Rothschild, Susman Godfrey Draw Warnings From Blum on Diversity Fellowships," The American Lawyer
"Winston & Strawn, Hunton Decline Blum's Questions About Diversity Programs," The American Lawyer
"Winston & Strawn Defends DEI Fellowship Amid Lawsuit Threat," Bloomberg Law
"Conservative group sues NYU, claiming selection of law journal student staff discriminates," Reuters
"How the Pandemic Highlighted the Importance of DEI," The Legal Intelligencer
"Making room for neurodiversity in law," The Canadian Bar Association
"Blum-Led Group Drops Lawsuit Against Perkins Coie Following Diversity Fellowship Change," The American Lawyer
"Law Firms Alter Diversity Programs Amid Legal Challenges,"The Wall Street Journal
"Biglaw Firm Changes Tack After Diversity Lawsuit," Above the Law
"Blum's Group Drops DEI Lawsuit Against Morrison Foerster," Bloomberg Law
"New Women's Resource Centre supports retention and advancement of women in legal profession," Canadian Lawyer
"Employers Downplay the 'D' in DEI Programs to Avoid Lawsuits," Bloomberg Law
"Moving the Needle on Outside Counsel Team Diversity," Corporate Counsel
"Yale, Harvard Among Law Schools Eliminating 'Diversity Statements' Following SCOTUS Ruling," Law.com
"Blum Threatens More Law Firms Over Diversity Hiring Programs," Bloomberg Law
"Employers Should Prep for EEOC's New Workplace Harassment Rules," Bloomberg Law
"Less Than 1% of Law Firm Partners Are Latina, According to Data. Why Mentorship and Support Might Be a Key to Closing the Gap," Daily Business Review
"Law Firms Embrace Roadmap Against Diversity Program Attacks," Bloomberg Law
"It's Time to Pour Concrete: Davis Wright Leader Says Law Firms Need to Double Down on DEI," Law.com
"Employers tackle pay transparency legislations, workforce re-organizations and commuting issues," Canadian Lawyer
"Pfizer's Diversity Fellowship Under Scrutiny at Second Circuit," Bloomberg Law
"Pfizer's diversity fellowship program under scrutiny in job bias case," Canadian Lawyer
"Biden administration advises colleges on how to preserve diversity," The Washington Post
"Ontario Bar Association launches peer support network for lawyers living with disabilities," Law Times
"'Opening Salvo': DEI Lawsuits Could Have 'Chilling' Effect on Diversity Efforts," Daily Report
"Religious Objections to Diversity Policies Spur New Legal Issues," Bloomberg Law
"DEI Efforts Face a Major Evaluation After Affirmative Action," Bloomberg Law
"We Cannot Relent: The Need to Remain Resilient in Your Firm's DEI Efforts," The Legal Intelligencer
"Keeping Up Appearances: Slow-to-evolve dress codes often burden female and minority lawyers," ABA Journal
"'History is made' as Michigan judges are ordered to use lawyers' preferred pronouns," Reuters
"Michigan judges can't disregard pronoun preferences of parties and lawyers, new rule says," ABA Journal
"In 5-2 Vote, Michigan Becomes First State To Require Judges To Use Pronoun Preferences Of Lawyers And Parties," TaxProf Blog
About Bryce Legal
Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
Since 2006, we've helped women lawyers, lawyers of color, LGBT attorneys, first generation lawyers, foreign-trained lawyers, and others succeed. Learn more about our team and how we can help you.
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