Evolving Legal Profession (May 17, 2023)
Recent reports on how the legal profession is changing and how to be successful in it.
"Why Law Firms Need 'Unique' Systems for Feedback," The American Lawyer
"Gen-Z Less Interested in Big Law and Traditional Law Firm Paths," The American Lawyer
"Survey Reveals Gen Z Lawyers and Law Students Shifting Away from BigLaw Career Appeal," JD Journal
"Big Law Career Draw Falls for Students Since 2020, Firm Says," Bloomberg Law
"Gen Z Isn't Chasing the Brass Ring, and That's a Long-Term Crisis," Law.com
"Hybrid Working Schedule 'Here to Stay,' Littler Survey Shows," Bloomberg Law
"Husch Blackwell's Biggest Office Is Virtual, Bucking Big Law," Bloomberg Law
"End of the Billable Hour? Law Firms Get On Board With Artificial Intelligence," The Wall Street Journal
"The decline of time-based law firms," Jordan Furlong
"O'Melveny's Return-to-Office Plans Prioritize Flexibility," The American Lawyer
"Law Firm Leadership in the Crosshairs," Law.com
"Looming SCOTUS Ruling May Have Chilling Effect on Big Law Diversity Efforts," The American Lawyer
"Grit and growth mindset boosts work of teams, new ABA report finds," ABA Journal
"Associate Training and Development at Stake as Deal Demand Falls," Law.com
"Will U.S. Firms Start to Open Locations in India?," The American Lawyer
"Law firms and corporate law departments find strategic partners in ALSPs," Reuters
"AI Could Reduce Billable Hours. But Is That Really a Bad Thing?," The American Lawyer
"Young Lawyers Want Ted Lasso as Their Leader, Not Bobby Knight. Will They Get Them?," The American Lawyer
"More than 200 General Counsel Call for Additional Legal Aid Funding," Corporate Counsel
"Here Are the Many Reasons Why I Love Lawyers," Daily Report
"LexisNexis Enters the Generative AI Fray with Limited Release of New Lexis+ AI, Using GPT and other LLMs," LawSites
"Step into the Innovation Lab," Legal Management
"BYU Offers Expanded 'Boot Camp-Style' Academies for 2023," Law.com
"Don't You Just Hate Writing Cover Letters?," Daily Business Review
"Can Rates Make Up for Expense Growth Much Longer?," Law.com
"Midsize Firms Take 'Aggressive' Stance on Rate Increases. Can They Collect On Those Bills?," Law.com
"The Office Has Gotten Better for Interaction, but Worse for Individual Work," The American Lawyer
"To Mandate or to Suggest? Law Firms Weigh Hybrid Policy Approaches," The American Lawyer
"More Millennial Lawyers Now Say They Want to Make Partner," The American Lawyer
"Millennial Lawyers Want To Have A Life And Be Partner," Law360
About Bryce Legal
Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
Since 2006, the legal profession, networking, and job search have changed. Our goal has remained the same: best-in-class services for lawyers. Learn more about our team and how we can help you.
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