Monday BigLaw Merry-Go-Round (May 15, 2023)
Recent reports on lateral hires, financial data, salaries, and hiring trends in BigLaw.
"Can the Legal Industry Keep the 20,000 Jobs Gained Since Early 2020?," The American Lawyer
"Law firm financials heading in the right direction, report finds," Reuters
"Firms Still Down, But Taking Divergent Paths to Recovery," The American Lawyer
"Law firms see a "bifurcated recovery" with strengths and challenges varying by firm size," ABA Journal
"After Turnover at Lewis Brisbois, Are More Abrupt Exits on the Horizon for Law Firm Leaders?," The American Lawyer
"Study Reveals How Pedigree of Law Schools, Law Firms Influence In-House Pay," Corporate Counsel
"Gender pay gap persists at GC-level, report finds," Legal Dive
"Law firm associate attrition and hiring ease but remain well above pre-pandemic levels: report," Canadian Lawyer
"Dechert to Cut Global Workforce by 5%," The American Lawyer
"Gen-Z Less Interested in Big Law and Traditional Law Firm Paths," The American Lawyer
"Survey Reveals Gen Z Lawyers and Law Students Shifting Away from BigLaw Career Appeal ," JD Journal
"Big Law Career Draw Falls for Students Since 2020, Firm Says," Bloomberg Law
"Gen Z Isn't Chasing the Brass Ring, and That's a Long-Term Crisis,"
"Hybrid Working Schedule 'Here to Stay,' Littler Survey Shows," Bloomberg Law
"Equity Partner Productivity Falls Most Amid Q1 Rises in Revenue, Dips in Demand," The American Lawyer
"Husch Blackwell's Biggest Office Is Virtual, Bucking Big Law," Bloomberg Law
"End of the Billable Hour? Law Firms Get On Board With Artificial Intelligence," The Wall Street Journal
"The decline of time-based law firms," Jordan Furlong
"Husch Blackwell's Biggest Office Is Virtual, Bucking Big Law," Bloomberg Law
"Law Firm Leadership in the Crosshairs,"
"Looming SCOTUS Ruling May Have Chilling Effect on Big Law Diversity Efforts," The American Lawyer
"First-Year Associate Salaries Increase Sharply Since 2021," NALP
"$200K is median base pay for new associates, thanks to market pressure from talent wars, NALP says," ABA Journal
"Did the Talent Wars Doom the Lifestyle Firm?," The American Lawyer
"Starting Lawyer Salaries Are Up Regardless Of Firm Size," Law360
"The Biglaw Salary Wars Increased First-Year Associate Salaries Across The Legal Profession," Above the Law
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