Inside In-House (Feb 12, 2025)
Recent reports on the ever-changing role of in-house counsel.
"Why in-house lawyers are increasingly demanding business acumen from external counsel," Canadian Lawyer
"Legal Departments, Firms Expect Gen AI to Boost ALSP Usage," Legaltech News
"Average in-house pay has increased, junior in-house lawyers are closing gender pay gap: report," Canadian Lawyer
"Companies' Obsession With Soft Skills Has Made Prized GC Posts Even Harder to Land," Corporate Counsel
"US demand for diverse legal and compliance talent still strong in 2024, recruitment firm says," Canadian Lawyer
"In-house counsel survey finds drop in diversity prioritization, more lawyers in non-legal roles," Canadian Lawyer
"Companies Parse What Makes a DEI Program Illegal Under Trump," Bloomberg Law
"Why Associates in This Growing Legal Market Are Leaving Their Firms," The American Lawyer
"Trump Orders Federal Scrutiny of Corporate DEI Programs," Bloomberg Law
"AI in 2025: Five Key Predictions on How It Will Reshape Law Firms," International
About Bryce Legal
Jared Redick, Career Coach and Résumé Writer
Since 2006, we've helped in-house counsel advance in companies of all sizes, from Fortune 10 multinationals, to start-ups to family-owned businesses. Learn more about our team and how we can help you.