Wellness and Well-being in the Legal Profession (Dec 21, 2022)
Recent reports on mental health and wellness in relation to the legal profession.
“TC applications, exams and volume of work among top sources of stress for law students,” Legal Cheek
“Law firm gives staff nonfungible tokens for mental health services,” ABA Journal
“Better Training and Axing Billable Hour in First Years of Practice Are Key to Lawyer Mental Health, Says Report | Law.com International,” Law.com International
“Diverse Leaders in Law: Amplifying the Mental Health Conversation,” Columbus CEO
"The Decline of the All-Nighter and the Rise of the Weekend in Big Law," The American Lawyer
About Bryce Legal
Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
Since 2006, the legal profession, networking, and job search have changed. Our goal has remained the same: best-in-class services for lawyers. Learn more about our team and how we can help you.