Wellness and Well-being in the Legal Profession (Jul 15, 2020)
Recent reports on mental health and wellness in relation to the legal profession.
"For Lawyer-Parents, the Pandemic Risks Creating a 'Lost Generation of Associates'," The American Lawyer
"State Bar Association Launches Far-Reaching Lawyer Health and Well-Being Initiative," New York Law Journal
"NY Law Firms Aren't Rushing Back to Offices Even If Their Clients Are," New York Law Journal
"Chicago Lawyers Not Sprinting Back Into the Office as Illinois Reopens Further," The American Lawyer
"What needs to change to improve mental health in the legal profession?," Legal Evolution
"City Bar Asks All Lawyers to Get Behind Mental Health and Substance Use CLE Requirement," New York Law Journal
"Remote Work Is Stressing Lawyers Out. Here's How to Help Them," Law.com
"What Law Schools Must Do To Help Law Students With Mental Health And Substance Abuse Issues," TaxProf Blog
"Watching COVID-19 Cases Spike, Texas Firms Rethink Reopening Plans," The Texas Lawyer
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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