Wellness and Well-being in the Legal Profession (Jun 7, 2023)
Recent reports on mental health and wellness in relation to the legal profession.
“Ex-lawyer who conquered addictions uses new website to reach out to those with mental health issues,” Law Times
"Under Pressure: Associates See More Demands, Less Slack," Law360
"A look at Paul Hastings' viral 'no exceptions, no excuses' presentation missteps," ABA Journal
"Law Firm Mergers, Pitched as Benefitting Clients, Also Can Bring Headaches, Conflicts," The American Lawyer
"Law schools should take on students' mental health and substance use from day one," ABA Journal
"Too Much Work Causes Legal Department Burnout, But It's Not That Simple," Corporate Counsel
"Mental Health, Law School, And Bar Admissions: Eliminating Stigma And Fostering A Healthier Profession," TaxProf Blog
"'There's a Lot of Backlog to Address': Why Mental Health in the Legal Profession Is Getting Worse," The American Lawyer
"Mental Health by the Numbers: An Infographic Mapping the Legal Industry's Well-Being," Law.com
"Law Firms Are Seeking Mental Health Solutions Together," The American Lawyer
"The Attorney Well-Being Issue," Law Practice Today
"Mental health initiatives aren't curbing lawyer stress and anxiety, new study shows," ABA Journal
"Meet the Law Firm Leader Who's Out About His Own Mental Health," Bloomberg Law
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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