Wellness and Well-being in the Legal Profession (Mar 1, 2023)
Recent reports on mental health and wellness in relation to the legal profession.
"Remember When Jumping In-House was the 'Easy Option'...," Law.com International
"The Series: The Lawyers Are Not All Right," The American Lawyer
"Stressed, lonely, overworked: What new study tells us about lawyer suicide risk," Reuters
"Stress and overwork linked to lawyers' suicidal thoughts, study says," Reuters
"Highly Stressed Lawyers 22 Times More Likely to Consider Suicide, Study Finds," The American Lawyer
"Stress Due To Understaffing Plagues Midsized Firms, Survey Finds, But Professionals See Relief In Tech," LawSites
"With Wellness at the Top of Mind, Law Firms Expand Support Resources," The American Lawyer
"The Lawyers Are Not All Right," The American Lawyer
"Burnout. Depression. Red flags abound in Massachusetts lawyer study," Reuters
"High rates of burnout have lawyers in this state considering leaving their jobs or the legal profession," ABA Journal
"ANALYSIS: Well-Being in Law School: Law Students Aren't OK," Bloomberg Law
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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