“I have some interviews coming up and I’ve already had 3 interviews with employers and recruiters.”
- Aspiring chief compliance officer
Read More“I have some interviews coming up and I’ve already had 3 interviews with employers and recruiters.”
- Aspiring chief compliance officer
Read More“Thank you so much, Shauna! I really appreciate your hard work, as well as taking time out on a Saturday to assist. I will follow up with Michelle to book additional time.”
- General counsel
Read More“Philosophically we are very aligned, and that’s not easy to do! My wife—she’s a business executive—and I have struggled for a long time on how to present my career. And we really like how you overcame that challenge. I’ve liked your idea about bringing to life the time period and the description of the employers. One thing my wife said is that it’s a more interesting document to read. I mean, this document is *so* much more interesting, and it will make the conversations and job interviews much more interesting. You’ve been amazing to work with. I could not be happier.”
- Global Chief Compliance Officer for world-known cosmetics brand
Read More“Thank you so much! I really needed this. Obviously. It’s funny how I can write a contract, but I just can’t write my own résumé.”
- Senior commercial contracts in-house counsel at Fortune 50
Read More“This makes perfect sense, but it’s not necessarily intuitive. It really requires me to step back and really think about how do I make myself attractive to other employers. There’s legwork, but it’s not as daunting as I thought. Before this call, I was going in five different directions trying to figure out what the next step was.”
- Senior employment counsel
Read More“The leadership aspects on the résumé and cover letter really hit home. The changes you helped me with really bring out and highlight the things I’ve done. It drives home what I needed. These are impactful.”
- Chief compliance attorney at Fortune 100
Read More“What you did with my subordinate’s résumé was amazing. You did a really great job for her and she went on to land a great job.”
- General counsel at small government contractor
Read More"You hit the nail on the head. And the first sentence of my bio really grabs attention. It accomplishes what I want it to. I think the résumé will work really well. The feedback that I’ve gotten from recruiters on the résumé has been really good. Really positive. I’ve told them all how great has been working with you. I’m sending a lot of people your way."
- Senior healthcare compliance attorney
Read More“I thought I had pretty decent knowledge about LinkedIn, and then I met you and realized that there’s so much more I could be doing. It’s very nice the way you laid everything out to build my profile. I love your ideas. All I had to do was copy the information. And I didn’t even know that I had an old LinkedIn account until you found it. I’ve already had contacts tell me I have a really good profile."
- Senior brand strategy counsel
Read More“Thanks, Shauna. Your advice and assistance has been extremely helpful.”
- Fortune 50 commercial contracts lawyer
Read More“LinkedIn works! I got my job through LinkedIn. The recruiter contacted me just two weeks after you updated my profile. And I’ve had lots of recruiters contact me, which *never* happened before. There are always recruiters sniffing around my profile, so it’s working!”
- Senior corporate generalist in Fortune 500
Read More“Shauna, Thanks so much for your guidance. It is a big help to me.”
- Senior public finance and corporate transactions attorney
Read More“I was referred to you by a colleague who worked with you two years ago. He said you are the best résumé writer on the face of the planet. He told me I was stupid if I didn’t call you. I don’t think that anyone has ever gotten a more enthusiastic endorsement! The formatting of the new résumé is very clean looking, and I really like how it presents me. It’s brilliant. And so much better than what I was doing. Thank you, really.”
- Senior public finance and corporate transactions attorney
Read More“I do think this has all been helpful. You’ve given me an approach and process to move forward. All the things we’ve been discussing—that’s why I don’t have a résumé. The process that you’ve outlined on determining my goals and the target pool of employers will be a helpful tool for me in thinking about my career and in formulating an approach for the résumé.”
- Senior securities defense litigator
Read More“I seriously appreciate this advice. I’ve been really struggling with interviewers, and I didn’t understand why until now. I’m glad to have a way of more proactively addressing the problem—before red flags are raised about why I’m applying for these jobs.”
- Former GC downshifting to senior counsel roles
Read More"I’ve been ignoring it because I have a very difficult time looking at myself and packaging myself in the best way possible. New York was a blood bath during the recession. There’s still a lot of emotion tied into it. To be honest, I have a lot of shame around it, even though it was 10 years ago. I need to be more comfortable in how I define—and market—myself. After talking to you, I’m feeling very motivated. Let’s do this!”
- Senior IP lawyer
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