what I’ve been missing

“I love this. This is fantastic. It gives me a lot to work with. It’s a really good tool to tell my story, and that’s what I've been missing. This has helped me think about how I want to frame my experience. What were my key take-aways? What did I really learn there? Who am I now?”

- Senior AmLaw 100 associate moving in-house

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received a promotion

“Thanks for checking in with me. Things are going well. I survived the layoffs at my company and even received a promotion... I have been working hard to expand my network. I have also attended Chief Legal Officer Training at [Big 4 consulting firm] University and I have made great contacts. I really appreciate the tips and I plan to put them to good use.” 

- Senior in-house counsel positioning for first general counsel roles

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it flows more naturally

“Both the résumé and cover letter tell my story with a better approach and bring in my backstory. The way everything’s structured seems to flow a lot better now. I *love* what you did to edit my cover letter. It’s like the story I had, but it flows more naturally and it’s just laid out beautifully. It’s not as choppy anymore; it's just very smooth.​”

- Federal judicial clerk starting job search

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I’m kicking myself

“I’m kicking myself because I feel like this is something I should have done a long time ago. I just get such anxiety thinking about my résumé and looking for a job. It’s so helpful to finally get this done. Just talking through all this has been helpful. Even the way you’ve set the résumé and cover letter up, and the way you’re describing what I’ve done, it’s just something I would never have thought of. Thank you so much.”

- Associate Attorney General

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