“Hi Shauna, Thank you so much for your help and insight. I will go ahead and book another appointment with you hopefully soon. Thanks again for all your help and have a wonderful weekend.”
- Second-career lawyer in niche practice
Read More“Hi Shauna, Thank you so much for your help and insight. I will go ahead and book another appointment with you hopefully soon. Thanks again for all your help and have a wonderful weekend.”
- Second-career lawyer in niche practice
Read More“I feel really good about the résumé. And I felt really good after our conversation. I think it’s what I needed to pull the information out and understand what’s going to be of interest to folks. I’ve actually already gotten a few reach outs from recruiters through LinkedIn, so I now have a fire in my belly to keep working together. It’s all making me feel better about my ability to generate business. I’m excited.”
- Award-winning IP lawyer for Fortune 500 companies and worldwide brands
Read More“The LinkedIn profile optimization looks awesome! I updated my profile over the weekend and it looks like I’m getting more hits this morning [Monday].”
- Aspiring chief compliance officer in healthcare sector
Read More“Whenever I talk to you I realize — Wow! Ive done some great stuff. It just makes me feel so good about myself.”
- Senior in-house L&E counsel
Read More“I just started the job. I was in private jet yesterday! I got so much wonderful feedback from the résumé—everywhere I went, including friends and family too. It really caught the eye of employers. Plus, you’ve inspired to to really take charge of my career, including the network. I’m on it, Shauna!! I’m all over it. And it’s really been wonderful.”
- Senior corporate generalist in Fortune 500
Read More“Thanks for the advice to reach out to the chair [of the practice group] directly, seems to be working! I’ll keep you posted on any future developments!”
- Associate switching from boutique litigation firm to BigLaw corporate practice
Read More“You’ve got the wheels are already spinning in my head about the possibilities.”
- Director-level lawyer for major East Coast city
Read More“This much a better plan than what I had before! When I talked to Career Services, they basically told me there was nothing I could do to look for a job while I wait for the bar exam results. But you’ve already outlined a lot of logical things I could be doing to be a better candidate and look for a job. And that makes so much more sense to me, because doing nothing but sitting around makes *no* sense.”
- Recent law school graduate
Read More“I never saw a job posting for this role [at Fortune 100], but they've been looking since November. Their in-house recruiter found me on LinkedIn and was attracted to my e-commerce experience. So LinkedIn works!”
- Retail GC
Read More"I hadn’t appreciated how important the older parts of my career might be on my résumé. I feel very good with where we’re headed. I like the idea of talking at a higher level about more. I really really think it’s terrific. It’s a huge change. A major surgery—which is clearly what’s required. This has been really eye-opening, very helpful, and much, much needed."
- Legal executive positioning for GC roles
Read More“The way you’re front-loading the résumé invites the reader in immediately and gives them a reason to read further. It’s a lot better than what I came up with!”
- Former U.S. Army officer and aide to President Barak Obama
Read More“I’ve been in my corporate counsel role—which you helped me land—since 2014. It’s been challenging, but really great. I want you to know how much I appreciate you and having built a relationship with you over the years. It means so much to me to be able to talk things through with you.”
- In-house counsel at Fortune 10 company
Read More“You’ve been so much more helpful than anyone else I’ve talked to.”
- Second-career lawyer in niche practice
Read More“The feedback from all the hiring attorneys was fantastic. They all said, ‘Wow, this résumé is amazing.’ The approach you took was how I can impact the business really works.”
- Fortune 500 senior corporate generalist
Read More"I’ve really been digging to LinkedIn and I’ve gotten more than 100 new connections in my area since we last talked. I’ve also been doing a lot of research to find lawyers who used to work at the employers I’m targeting.”
- Junior public defender
Read More“At first it was overwhelming. Big changes. But I took a step back and said, ‘What is the ultimate goal here? I want a streamlined résumé that’s going to show what I bring to the table.’ This résumé does that.”
- Healthcare AGC
Read More“ Everything you’ve said is on-point. This is really, really helpful. This is just very helpful. I actually started researching like you said while you were talking and have already found people to connect with. I really like this plan.”
- Associate transitioning out of BigLaw
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