Monday BigLaw Merry-Go-Round (Apr 15, 2024)
Recent reports on lateral hires, financial data, salaries, and hiring trends in BigLaw.
"In Partner Hiring, Business Plans Become 'Litmus Test' For Government Hires," The National Law Journal
"We need more lawyers!" Jordan Furlong
"Rethinking Mandatory Retirement Age: A Win-Win for Lawyers and Law Firms?"
"Law Firms Slowed Pace Of Hiring In First Quarter of 2024," Law360
"Identify Future Leaders, Open Lines of Communication and Do It With Time to Spare: A Succession Planning Primer," The American Lawyer
"As Partners Retire, Shifting Clients and Compensation Is Delicate," Bloomberg Law
"Elite New York Law Firms Outperformed Market, as Firms Invested in Both Equity, Nonequity Tiers," The American Lawyer
"An Early Look: The 2024 Am Law 200 Financials," The American Lawyer
"Gender Pay Gap: Elite UK Firms Show Little to No Improvement," International
"At 18%, Law Firm Associate Attrition Rate Continues 2-Year Decline," The American Lawyer
"Associate Hiring And Attrition Fell In '23 For 2nd Straight Year," Law360
"It's a quick goodbye for many departing associates, new NALP Foundation report finds," ABA Journal
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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