Monday BigLaw Merry-Go-Round (Apr 26, 2021)
Recent reports on lateral hires, financial data, salaries, and hiring trends in BigLaw.
"The Super (Conflicted) Rich: For the Industry's Elite, a Wildly Successful Year Came at a Cost," The American Lawyer
"Pandemic Ends Six Years of Gains in Entry Level Law Jobs,"
"Data shows decrease in long-term, full-time jobs for 2020 law school grads," ABA Journal
"ABA Releases Class Of 2020 Jobs Data: Pandemic, Delayed Bar Exams Push Full-Credit Jobs Rate Down 3.2 Percentage Points," TaxProf Blog
"ABA legal education section releases employment data for graduating law class of 2020," American Bar Association
"Special Bonuses Can Help to Retain Associates, But Not for the Long Run," The American Lawyer
"Dechert Hands Global Business Services Staff Extra Paid Day Off and COVID Bonus," International
"The associate job market took a wild ride in 2020. Is it over yet?," Thomson Reuters
"The 2021 Am Law 100 Report," The American Lawyer
"Against All Odds, The Am Law 100 Were Stunningly Successful in 2020," The American Lawyer
"The 2021 Am Law 100: Ranked by Gross Revenue," The American Lawyer
"The 2021 Am Law 100: Ranked by Profits Per Equity Partner," The American Lawyer
"The 2021 Am Law 100: By the Numbers," The American Lawyer
"The Am Law 100's Top Performers Have Been Driving Demand for Years," The American Lawyer
"Managing Profits By Cutting Partners and Practices Is No Longer Viable," The American Lawyer
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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