Monday BigLaw Merry-Go-Round (Aug 5, 2019)
Recent reports on lateral hires, financial data, salaries, and hiring trends in BigLaw.
"LeClairRyan Takes Steps to Dissolve as Its Lawyers Seek New Homes," The American Lawyer
"60% Of Law Firms, Companies Plan To Increase Legal Hiring Over Next Six Months, Especially In Litigation," TaxProf Blog
"The 2019 GC Compensation Survey: Pay's Moving On Up," Corporate Counsel
"2 bright spots in law-grad hiring: more BigLaw jobs, higher rate of JD-required employment," ABA Journal
"Job Market For Law School Grads Is The Best We've Seen In 10 Years," Above the Law
"Class of 2018 job picture was bright but there's an asterisk," The National Jurist
"The Hireback Rate on Bay Street Is Freakishly High," Precedent JD
"Women Who Left the Profession Are Getting Back in the Saddle," The American Lawyer
"Open Letter From Dentons Partner: Mental Health Crisis Requires Rethinking Firm Business Models,"
"Associates Just Want the Truth About Billable Hour Requirements," The American Lawyer
"Do Associate Perks Make a Difference in the Law Firm Talent War?," The American Lawyer
"Cannabis Has Big Law Seeing Green, but the Am Law 50 Are Skipping the Party," The American Lawyer
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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