Monday BigLaw Merry-Go-Round (Dec 4, 2023)
Recent reports on lateral hires, financial data, salaries, and hiring trends in BigLaw.
"Big Fish, Small Ponds: How Big Law Is Slowly Infiltrating Emerging Markets," The American Lawyer
"Big Law Firms Offering 'Mixed Bag' of Rate, Compensation Structures in Emerging Markets," The American Lawyer
"Civil legal aid attorneys in short supply, ABA report finds," Reuters
"ABA Profile of the Legal Profession 2023," American Bar Association
"How Can Law Firms 'Crack the Nuts on Collections' While Closing Out 2023?," The American Lawyer
"Why your law firm needs a retainmaker," Jordan Furlong
"32 Marketing Activities Million-Dollar Rainmakers Did: Go Copy Them!" The Legal Intelligencer
"Countercyclical and Regulatory Practices Dominate Partner Promotions in 2023," The American Lawyer
"Cravath Senior Associate Salaries Top Milbank, Test Rivals," Bloomberg Law
"Big Law Firms Race to Match Cravath Salary Increases," Bloomberg Law
"Cravath Salary Increases Pressure Rivals Who Can't Afford Match," Bloomberg Law
"'Smaller Group' of Law Firms May Match Associate Pay Scale This Time Around," The American Lawyer
"The Salary Wars That Almost Didn't Happen,"
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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