Monday BigLaw Merry-Go-Round (Dec 6, 2021)
Recent reports on lateral hires, financial data, salaries, and hiring trends in BigLaw.
"Seeing Long Careers and Burnout Ahead, Many Young Lawyers Want Less Work," The American Lawyer
"Big Law's Talent Shortage Raises Vexing Questions on 'Quality'," Bloomberg Law
"The Great Juggling Act: How Working Parents Have Kept Law Firms—and Kids—Thriving Through It All," The American Lawyer
"Arent Fox and Schiff Hardin to Merge, Creating a New Am Law 100 Powerhouse," The American Lawyer
"Arent Fox, Schiff Hardin will merge to form $475 mln revenue firm," Reuters
"How ArentFox Schiff Becomes a Serious Contender in the Hunt for New Business and the War for Talent," The American Lawyer
"Kirkland Shortens Track to Equity Partnership," The American Lawyer
"Kirkland's Shorter Partner Track Will Likely Make Waves, Industry Watchers Say," The American Lawyer
"DLA Piper Joins Associate Bonus Fray, Exceeding Cravath for Top Producers," The American Lawyer
"Cravath Kicks Off Big Law Year-End Bonuses," The American Lawyer
"Cravath kicks off year-end bonus season with payouts reaching $115K," Reuters
"Matching Begins in 2021 Big Law Year-End Bonus Season," The American Lawyer
"More law firms join end-of-year bonus race following Cravath," Reuters
"3 decades ago, legal headhunting required more time for fewer placements," ABA Journal
"Prosecutor pay isn't keeping up with inflation, even as some case backlogs grow, study author says," ABA Journal
"As Talent War Escalates, Law Firms Fear Business Pros Getting Poached," The American Lawyer
"Will Associates Benefit From Early Career Milestones?," The American Lawyer
"COVID-Era Expense Savings Mostly Gone, Firm Leaders Say," Daily Business Review
"Partner Classes Are Bigger, But Getting Equity Is Still a Steep Climb at Law Firms," The American Lawyer
"McGuireWoods, Akin Gump Promote Record Partner Classes, While Steptoe's Class Features Strong Diversity," The National Law Journal
"Simpson Thacher and Weil Gotshal Announce Steep Rise in Partner Promotions," International
"At the End of a Profitable Year, Firm Leaders Brace for 'Uncertain' 2022," The Legal Intelligencer
"Amid Partner Promotions and Equity Partner Exits, Akerman Breaks Revenue and Profit Records in 2021," Daily Business Review
"German Firm Increases Salaries Above Magic Circle and US Rival Rates," International
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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