Monday BigLaw Merry-Go-Round (Jul 29, 2024)
Recent reports on lateral hires, financial data, salaries, and hiring trends in BigLaw.
"London Lateral Hiring Has Busiest First Half in 5 Years," International
"Chicago-Founded Firms Itching to Start Talent War on Home Turf," Bloomberg Law
"Hidden Talent Pool in Plain Sight: Corporate America wants you — for nonlegal roles," ABA Journal
"Canada unveils employment strategy to close job gap for persons with disabilities by 2040," Lexpert
"Most Atlanta Firms See Rankings Slip for Hiring, Promotion of Women," The American Lawyer
"Is the Hiring Market Under Threat?" International
"Where (and Why) Law Firm Lateral Partner Activity Is Surging," The American Lawyer
"Lateral Partner Hiring in DC Among Am Law 50 Firms Slow Down," The National Law Journal
"Pelotons, Gym, Napping Rooms: Latest Law Firm Renovations 'Draw People' In with Home Amenities," New York Law Journal
"Big Law Firms Aren't Downsizing Their Office Space in New York," New York Law Journal
"Haynes and Boone Hires First-Ever Pro Bono Counsel," Texas Lawyer
"Summer Associate Programs Remain 'a Special Place to Build a Career,'" New Jersey Law Journal
"Am Law 50 Law Firms See Uptick in Partner Hiring, With Focus on Funds and White-Collar Practices," The American Lawyer
"Class of 2020 moves jobs, has less debt and is concerned about mental health, study says," ABA Journal
"'Fake Partners': These Holdout Law Firms Are Sticking With Single-Tier Partnerships," The American Lawyer
"Debevoise, Cleary Expand San Francisco Space, Seeing Opportunity in City Resurgence," The American Lawyer
"A&O Shearman Targets 2,000-Hour Mark for Associate Bonuses," Bloomberg Law
"'Harder to Justify' Counsel Tiers in Big Law, Amid Focus on Nonequity Partners, Lateral Recruiting," The American Lawyer
"Anglo American GC: 'Maybe Partners Should Make Less Money and Associates Should Make More'," International
"Forget everything you think you know about law firms," Jordan Furlong
"Class of 2023 Shatters Records in Historic Year as NALP Celebrates 50 Years of Employment Reporting," NALP
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