Monday BigLaw Merry-Go-Round (May 22, 2023)
Recent reports on lateral hires, financial data, salaries, and hiring trends in BigLaw.
"David Lat on What That Viral Paul Hastings Presentation Says About All of Us," Legal Speak
"Gen Z Lawyers Would Trade Some of Their Pay for These Benefits," The American Lawyer
"Big law firms fall out of fashion with idealistic Generation Z," Financial Times
"Younger Attys Valuing Work-Life Balance Over Making Partner," Law360
"Large Lateral Moves Are Raising the Competitive Ante for Law Firms,"
"Amid Multiplying Law Firm Layoffs, Associates are Getting Anxious," International
"The Case for Deferring First-Years," The American Lawyer
"The Return Of The Dreaded Biglaw Deferral Is Now Being Praised By Industry Insiders," Above the Law
"GCs Are Receiving More of Their Pay in Bonuses, Exacerbating Gender Gap," Corporate Counsel
"Big Law Lawyers Are on TikTok. Their Firms Are Conflicted," Bloomberg Law
"A Note to Leaders in Law Firms: This is How You're Thwarting Diversity Efforts," The American Lawyer
"Small Law, Big Pay: Small Firms Lure Talent With Hefty Raises," Law360
"Dechert Becomes the Latest Firm Caught in Boom-and-Bust Hiring Cycle," The American Lawyer
"Financial Irregularities, Undisclosed Business Ties and More: Lateral 'Red Flags' Grew During Pandemic," The American Lawyer
"The Law Firm Disrupted: This Job in Big Law is Getting Tougher,"
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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