Monday BigLaw Merry-Go-Round (Oct 16, 2023)
Recent reports on lateral hires, financial data, salaries, and hiring trends in BigLaw.
"Legal Employment Rebounded In Sept., Adding 5,100 Jobs," Law360
"Productivity Continues to Climb as Lawyers Working and Billing More," The American Lawyer
"How Law Firms Are Still Losing Millions, Even After Hiring Pricing Specialists," The American Lawyer
"Mid-level lawyers in demand, particularly in real estate, civil litigation, finds recruiter study," Canadian Lawyer
"Pay Gap Between GCs and CEOs Narrowing, as Legal Chiefs Become Jacks-of-All-Trades,"
"'Experience Is Transferable': Law Firms Turn to Legal Staff for Business Development," Daily Report
"BREAKING: Allen & Overy, Shearman Partners Sign Off On Merger," Law360
"Misaligned Compensation Drivers Are at Odds With Future Law Firm Leaders," The American Lawyer
"82% of Am Law 200 Firms Enforce Weekly or Sooner Timekeeper Deadlines, Survey Finds," The American Lawyer
"A Massive Turnover of Law Firm Leadership or Business as Usual?"
"1 in 4 Big Law Associates Plan to Leave Within the Year," The American Lawyer
"Blum Threatens More Law Firms Over Diversity Hiring Programs," Bloomberg Law
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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