Monday BigLaw Merry-Go-Round (Oct 21, 2024)
Recent reports on lateral hires, financial data, salaries, and hiring trends in BigLaw.
"With Election in Sight, DOJ Moves to Law Firms Accelerate," The National Law Journal
"What's behind the rise in law firm non-equity partnerships?" Reuters
"Rates Will Go Up (Again), But Here's Why Profitability Might Not Be Maximized," The American Lawyer
"A&O Shearman Adopts 3-Level Lockstep Pay Model Amid Shift to All-Equity Partnership," International
"'Utterly Bewildering': GCs Struggle to Grasp Scattershot Nature of Law Firm Rate Hikes," The American Lawyer
"Lawyers' $2,000 Hourly Rates Crimp Big Law's Appetite for Risk," Bloomberg Law
"From Roadblock to Opportunity: Rethinking Client Conflict Processes in Lateral Partner Recruiting,"
"Are Single-Tier Partnership Law Firms Fighting the Wind?" The American Lawyer
"Cutting Partner Compensation Becomes Routine in Big Law," The American Lawyer
"How Many Legal Jobs Will Be Affected by AI? Law Firms Can't Agree,"
"Partner Cuts: The Grim Reality of Post-Merger Integration," The American Lawyer
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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